Development of Methods and Computational Algorithms Parallelepiped in the Presence of Temperature and Heat Exchange

Authors: Kazykhan Rysgul, Tashev Azat, Aitbayeva Rakhatay, Kudaykulov Anarbay, Kunelbayev Murat, Mukaddas Arshidinova, Zhunusova Aliya, Kazangapova Bayan

Abstract: The article describes computational algorithms for estimating the law of distribution of body temperature in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. The case is studied when a conditioned temperature is maintained on one of the boundaries of a rectangular parallelepiped, and heat exchange with the environment occurs on the opposite side. In addition, there are cases when other faces of the parallelepiped are thermally insulated or are under the influence of the environment. A polynomial is chosen as the approximating function. In accordance with the proposed layout, a function is formed that considers temperature, heat exchange with the environment, and insulation of the faces of a rectangular parallelepiped. The temperatures at the nodal points are determined by minimizing the function. Further, the temperature distribution law is determined according to the proposed approximating polynomial. The estimation of temperature distribution law is calculated for different amounts of partitioning into elements of a rectangular parallelepiped.

Pages: 57-63

DOI: 10.46300/9104.2023.17.9

International Journal of Mechanics, E-ISSN: 1998-4448, Volume 17, 2023, Art. #9

