Paper Submission Terms

  1. Do not submit abstracts or draft versions. Only full papers are subject to review.
  2. Make sure that you submit original work that hasn't been published or sent anywhere else.
  3. Do not send papers by email (except some special Issues). Select the journal that interests you and use our submission form to upload it.
  4. The reviewers' comments must be addressed before a paper is considered for publication.
  5. NAUN format must be respected when writing your paper.
  6. Authors should make themselves aware of the paper processing charges and registration fees of the publication they submit a paper to by reading the respective sections.
  7. By submitting a paper the author understands and agrees that its copyright is transferred to NAUN.
  8. After the Review process is completed by the Associate Editor and the Reviewers, it is no longer allowed for the authors to withdraw their paper.

Publication Fees

Fees in NAUN Journals are based on this list
NAUN gives discounts and can even publish papers without fees in case of exceptional quality.

For some journals, NAUN not have fees at all. Contact us for more details: to see if we can give free registration for your paper or you can pay some fee.

Unfortunately, after 2020 we are obliged to have fees, because we do not organize conferences any longer.

Some discounts can be given to Session Organizers especially if they submit extended versions of the best papers from some conference. These extended versions of the best papers must pass again via peer review coordinated by our Editors.

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